1985년 3월 29일, 미국의 문화인류학자 조지 머독 (George Peter Murdock, 1897 ~ 1985) 별세
조지 머독 (George Peter Murdock, 1897년 5월 11일 코네티컷주 ~ 1985년 3월 29일 펜실베이니아주)은 미국의 문화인류학자이다. 『사회구조론』에서 제시한 가족유형론 (家族類型論)이 유명하다. 비교연구를 위한 문헌정리법으로서의 문화횡단적 방법을 제창하였다.

– 조지 머독 (George Peter Murdock)
.출생: 1897년 5월 11일, 미국 코네티컷 메리던
.사망: 1985년 3월 29일, 미국 펜실베이니아 데번
.부모: 조지 브론슨 머독, 해리엇 엘리자베스 그레이브스
.자녀: 로버트 더글라스 머독
.직업: 인류학자, 사회과학
.저서: 《사회 구조》, 《세계 문화 개요》, 《민족지 아틀라스》 등
조지 피터 머독은 미국의 인류학자이자 사회과학자로, 문화 간 연구에 대한 경험적 접근을 옹호하며 사회 구조, 가족, 문화 연구를 수행하고 《사회 구조》, 《세계 문화 개요》, 《민족지 아틀라스》 등의 저서를 남겼다.
○ 주요 경력
Correlations of Matrilineal and Patrilineal Institutions. // G. P. Murdock (ed.) Studies in the Science of Society, New Haven: Yale, 1937.
Social Structure. New York: The MacMillan Company. 1949.
Ethnographic Atlas: A Summary. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press. 1967.
Standard Cross-Cultural Sample // Ethnology 8 (4): 329–369. 1969.
Atlas of World Cultures. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press. 1981.

○ 저서
머독은 사회 구조, 가족, 문화 연구를 수행하고 《사회 구조》, 《세계 문화 개요》, 《민족지 아틀라스》 등의 저서를 남겼다.
– Publications
Murdock, George Peter (1949). Social Structure. New York: The MacMillan Company.
Murdock, G.P. 1959. Africa: Its peoples and their culture history. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Murdock, G. P. 1965. Culture and Society: Twenty-Four Essays. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press.
Murdock, G. P. 1967. Ethnographic Atlas: A Summary. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press.
Murdock, G. P. (1970). “Kin Term Patterns and their Distribution”. Ethnology. 9 (2): 165–207.
Murdock, G. P. 1980. ‘Theories of Illness: A World Survey’. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press.
Murdock, G. P. 1981. Atlas of World Cultures. Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press.
Murdock, G. P. 1985. Kin Term Patterns and their Distribution. World Cultures 1(4): stds25.dat, stds25.cod.
Murdock, G. P.; Morrow, D. O. (1970). “Subsistence Economy and Supportive Practices: Cross-Cultural Codes 1”. Ethnology. 9 (3): 302–330.
Murdock, G. P.; Provost, C. A. (1973). “Measurement of Cultural Complexity”. Ethnology. 12 (4): 379–392.
Murdock, G. P., R. Textor, H. Barry III, D. R. White, J. P. Gray, and W. Divale. 1999–2000. Ethnographic Atlas. World Cultures 10(1): 24–136, at01–09.sav; 11(1): ea10.sav (the third electronic version) Archived August 2, 2013, at the Wayback Machine.
Murdock, G. P.; White, Douglas R (1969). “Standard Cross-Cultural Sample”. Ethnology. 8 (4): 329–369.

Murdock, G. P.; Wilson, S. F. (1972). “Settlement Patterns and Community Organization: Cross-Cultural Codes 3”. Ethnology. 11 (3): 254–295.
Murdock, G.P, C.S. Ford, A.E. Hudson, R. Kennedy, L. W. Simmons, and J. W. M. Whiting, Outline of Cultural Materials, New Haven: Institute of Human Relations, 1938.
Chronological listing of books and articles:
The Evolution of Culture by Julius Lippert (New York: Macmillan, 1931) (as translator and editor)
“Ethnocentrism”, Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. 5, pp. 613–614 (New York, 1931)
“The Science of Culture”, American Anthropologist, n.s., 34: 200–215 (1932)
“Lippert, Julius”, Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 490–491 (1933)
“The Organization of Inca Society”, Scientific Monthly, 38: 231–239 (1934)
Our Primitive Contemporaries (New York: Macmillan, 1934)
“Kinship and Social Behavior among the Haida”, American Anthropologist, n.s., 36: 355–385 (1934)
“A Racial Primer”, Bulletin of the Associates in the Science of Society, 4.4: 1–3 (1935)
“The Witoto Kinship System”, American Anthropologist, n.s., 38: 525–527 (1936)
“Rank and Potlatch among the Haida”, Yale University Publications in Anthropology, no. 13, pp. 1–20 (1936)
Studies in the Science of Society (New Haven: Yale, 1937) (editor)
“Correlations of Matrilineal and Patrilineal Institutions”. In G. P. Murdock (ed.) Studies in the Science of Society, New Haven: Yale, 1937.
“Comparative Data on the Division of Labor by Sex”, Social Forces, 15: 551–553 (1937)
“Anthropological Glossary”, Southwestern Monuments, pp. 77–88, 268–274 (1938)
“Notes on the Tenino, Molala, and Paiute of Oregon”, American Anthropologist, n.s., 40: 395–402 (1938)
“Guia para la investigacion etnologica”, trans. by Radames A. Altieri, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Notas del Instituto de Antropologia, I, ii, 21–131, Tucuman, 1939 (coauthor with C.S. Ford, A. E. Hudson, R. Kennedy, L. W. Simmons, and J. W. M. Whiting)

“The Cross-Cultural Survey”, American Sociological Review, 5: 361–370, 1940
“Double Descent”, American Anthropologist, 42:555–561, 1940.
“Ethnographic Bibliography of North America”, Yale Anthropological Studies, I, pp. 1–169, 1941
“Anthropology and Human Relations”, Sociometry, 4: 140–149, 1941.
“Bronislaw Malinowski”, Yale Law Journal, 51: 1235–1236, 1942.
“The Yale Survey of South American Ethnology”, Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific Congress, 1940, 2: 199–202. Washington, 1942.
“Marshall Islands”, Navy Department (OPNAV 50E), Military Government Handbook, no. 1, pp. 1–113. Washington, 1943 (coauthor with C. S. Ford and J. W. M. Whiting)
“Bronislaw Malinowski”, American Anthropologist, n.s., 45: 441–451, 1943.
“East Caroline Islands”, Navy Department (OPNAV 50E), Civil Affairs Handbook, no. 5, pp. 1–213. Washington, 1944. (coauthor with C. S. Ford and J. W. M. Whiting)
“West Caroline Islands”, Navy Department (OPNAV 50E), Civil Affairs Handbook, no. 7, pp. 1–222, Washington, 1944. (coauthor with C.S. Ford and J. W. M. Whiting)
“Mandated Marianas Islands”, Navy Department (OPNAV 50E), Civil Affairs Handbook, no. 8, pp. 1–205, Washington, 1944. (coauthor with C.S. Ford and J.W.M. Whiting)
“Marshall Islands Statistical Supplement”, Navy Department (OPNAV 50E), Civil Affairs Handbook, no. 1S, pp. 1–38, Washington, 1944 (coauthor with C.S. Ford and J. W. M. Whiting)
“Izu and Bonin Islands”, Navy Department (OPNAV 50E), Civil Affairs Handbook, no. 9, pp. 1–188. Washington, 1944 (coauthor with C.S. Ford and J.W. M. Whiting)
“Ryukyu (Loochoo) Islands”, Navy Department (OPNAV 13), Civil Affairs Handbook, no. 31, pp. 1–334. Washington, 1944. (coauthor with C. S. Ford and J. W. M. Whiting)
“The Common Denominator of Cultures”, in Ralph Linton (ed.), The Science of Man in the World Crisis, New York: Columbia, 1945, pp. 123–142.
Nuestros contemporaneos primitivos (Spanish translation of Our Primitive Contemporaries), trans. by Teodoro Ortiz. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1945.
“Outline of Cultural Materials”, rev. ed. Yale Anthropological Studies, II, pp, 1–56. New Haven, 1945 (coauthor with C. S. Ford, A. E. Hudson, R. Kennedy, L. W. Simmons, and J. W. M. Whiting)
“Bifurcate Merging: A Test of Five Theories”, American Anthropologist, n.s. 49: 56–68, 1947.
“Family Universals”, Marriage and Family Living, 9:39, 1947.

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