미국의 신학자•철학자•환경론자 존 캅 (John B. Cobb, 1925 ~ 2024)
존 캅 (John B. Cobb, 1925년 2월 9일 ~ 2024년 12월 26일)은 미국의 신학자, 철학자, 그리고 환경론자이다. 존 캅은 알프레드 노스 화이트헤드의 과정의 철학과 과정신학 분야에서 저명한 학자로 인정받고 있다.
캅은 50권 이상의 저자이며, 2014년에 존경받는 미국 예술 및 과학 학술원의 회원으로 선출되었다.
캅은 2024년 12월 26일에 별세했다. 향년 99세
– 존 캅 (John B. Cobb)
.출생: 1925년 2월 9일, 일본 효고현 고베시
.사망: 2024년 12월 26일 (99세)
.성별: 남성
.국적: 미국
.경력: 신학자, 철학자, 환경론자
.상훈: 2014년 미국 예술 및 과학 학술원 회원
.주요저서: 『생각하는 기독교인이라야 산다』, 『평신도 신학』, 『교회 다시 살리기』 등
오늘날 세계에서 가장 탁월한 신학자 가운데 한 사람이며, 예수의 복음에 대한 뜨거운 열정을 지녔다.
그는 선교사의 아들로 일본에서 태어났으며, 제2차 세계대전 중에 군복무를 마친 후, 시카고대학교에서 철학박사학위를 받았다.
알프레드 노쓰 화이트헤드의 철학을 배운 후, 과정신학의 개척자가 된 그는 클레어몬트 신학교에서 가르치던 32년 동안 50여 권의 매우 중요한 저술들을 발표했다.
은퇴한 후에는 평신도신학을 통해 교회 살리기에 주력한 바 있다.
저서로 『생각하는 기독교인이라야 산다』 『평신도 신학』 『교회 다시 살리기』 등 그외 수많은 저서가 있다.
캅은 2024년 12월 26일에 별세했다. 향년 99세
○ 연구단체 설립 (Institutions founded)
Cobb has founded numerous non-profit organizations throughout his career.
In 1973, Cobb co-founded the Center for Process Studies with David Ray Griffin as a faculty research center of the Claremont School of Theology, and currently still serves as its Co-Director.[80] The Center for Process Studies is the leading institute on the process philosophy and process theology inspired by Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshorne, and others.
In 1996, Cobb co-founded the Claremont Consultation with George Regas in an effort to organize and mobilize progressive Christian communities. In 2003, the organization’s name was changed to Progressive Christians Uniting. PCU today describes itself as “a social justice and faith organization dedicated to amplifying hope and actions individuals can take that lead to a more compassionate and just world.”
In 2005, Cobb was the founding President of the Institute for the Postmodern Development of China. The IPDC works to promote new modes of development in China and the West, drawing from both classical Chinese philosophy and constructive forms of Western thought in order to address practical problems associated with economic growth, social change, and globalization. Cobb continues to work on the IPDC’s board of directors.
In 2013, Cobb was a founding board member of Process Century Press, an academic press dedicated to transdisciplinary applications of process thought. He remains on PCP’s advisory board.
In 2014, Cobb was the founding chairperson of the board for Pando Populus, an LA-based non-profit organization that seeks to enact a more ecologically balanced way of life in the LA area. Cobb remains on Pando Populus’ board of directors.
○ 저작들(Bibliography)
– Books written
Varieties of Protestantism, 1960
Living Options in Protestant Theology, 1962 (online edition)
A Christian Natural Theology, 1965 (online edition)
The Structure of Christian Existence, 1967 (online edition)
God and the World, 1969
Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology, 1971 (revised edition, 1995)
Liberal Christianity at the Crossroads, 1973 (online edition)
Christ in a Pluralistic Age, 1975
with David Ray Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition, 1976
Theology and Pastoral Care, 1977
with Charles Birch, The Liberation of Life: from the Cell to the Community, 1981
Process Theology as Political Theology, 1982 (online edition)
Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism, 1982
with David Tracy, Talking About God, 1983 (online edition)
Praying for Jennifer, 1985
with Joseph Hough, Christian Identity and Theological Education, 1985
with Beardslee, Lull, Pregeant, Weeden, and Woodbridge, Biblical Preaching on the Death of Jesus, 1989
with Herman Daly, For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, Environment, and a Sustainable Future, 1989 (revised edition, 1994) which won the 1992 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order.[85]
Doubting Thomas, 1990, ISBN 0-8245-1033-X (online edition)
with Leonard Swidler, Paul Knitter, and Monika Helwig, Death or Dialogue, 1990
Matters of Life and Death, 1991
Can Christ Become Good News Again?, 1991
Sustainability, 1992
Becoming a Thinking Christian, 1993
Lay Theology, 1994
Sustaining the Common Good, 1994
Grace and Responsibility, 1995
Reclaiming the Church, 1997
The Earthist Challenge to Economism: A Theological Critique of the World Bank, 1999
Transforming Christianity and the World: A Way Beyond Absolutism and Relativism, 1999
Postmodernism and Public Policy: Reframing Religion, Culture, Education, Sexuality, Class, Race, Politics, and the Economy, 2002
The Process Perspective: Frequently Asked Questions About Process Theology (edited by Jeanyne B. Slettom), 2003
Romans (with David J. Lull), 2005
with Bruce Epperly and Paul Nancarrow, The Call of the Spirit: Process Spirituality in a Relational World, 2005
A Christian Natural Theology, Second Edition, 2007
Whitehead Word Book: A Glossary with Alphabetical Index to Technical Terms in Process and Reality, 2008
Spiritual Bankruptcy: A Prophetic Call to Action, 2010
The Process Perspective II (edited by Jeanyne B. Slettom), 2011
Theological Reminiscences, 2014
Jesus’ Abba – The God Who Has Not Failed, 2015
– Books edited
with James Robinson, The Later Heidegger and Theology, 1963
with James Robinson, The New Hermeneutic, 1964
with James Robinson, Theology as History, 1967
The Theology of Altizer: Critique and Response, 1971
with David Ray Griffin, Mind in Nature, 1977 (online edition)
with Widick Schroeder, Process Philosophy and Social Thought, 1981
with Franklin Gamwell, Existence and Actuality: Conversations with Charles Hartshorne, 1984 (online edition)
Christian Faith and Religious Diversity: Mobilization for the Human Family, 2002
with Christopher Ives, The Emptying God: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation, Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2005
with Kevin Barrett and Sandra Lubarsky, 9/11 & American Empire: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Speak Out, 2006
Resistance: The New Role of Progressive Christians. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008
Back to Darwin, 2008
Dialogue Comes of Age, 2010
Religions in the Making: Whitehead and the Wisdom Traditions of the World, 2012
– Articles
For a list of Cobb’s published articles through 2010, see the list at The Center for Process Studies.
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