호주 동부 QLD · NSW · VIC주에서 성탄절 연휴 폭풍우로 9명 사망 · 1명 실종
홍수·보트 전복·정전 등 각종 피해 속출
크리스마스 연휴 동안 호주 동부 해안에 강한 폭풍우가 몰아치면서 각종 사고가 속출, 9명이 사망하고 1명이 실종됐다.
12월 27일(현지시간) 호주 AAP 통신 등에 따르면 동부 퀸즐랜드 (QLD)주와 뉴사우스웨일스 (NSW)주, 빅토리아 (VIC)주 등에서는 지난 25일부터 강한 바람과 폭우가 강타하면서 홍수가 나고 배가 전복되며 전신주와 나무가 쓰러지는 등 각종 피해가 속출하고 있다.
기상청은 특히 퀸즐랜드주 해안 지역이 위험 수준의 폭풍과 홍수, 거대한 우박 등의 위험에 노출돼 있다고 경고했다.
실제로 전날 오후 퀸즐랜드주 브리즈번에서 북쪽으로 약 180㎞ 떨어진 짐피 지역에서는 홍수가 나면서 여성 3명이 빗물 배수구에 휩쓸렸다. 이 중 1명은 구조됐지만 다른 40세 여성 1명이 사망했고, 또 다른 40대 여성 1명은 실종 상태다. 소방 당국은 실종 여성을 찾기 위한 수색 작업을 계속하고 있다. 브리즈번 바다에서는 강한 폭풍에 보트가 전복되면서 11명이 바다에 빠졌다. 이 사고로 8명이 구조됐지만 3명이 사망했다. 브리즈번 외곽에서는 홍수로 물에 휩쓸렸던 9세 소녀가 사망한 채 발견됐고, 골드코스트에서는 59세 여성이 쓰러진 나무에 깔리며 숨졌다.
빅토리아주에서도 사망 사고가 발생했다. 전날 저녁 멜버른에서 동쪽으로 350㎞ 떨어진 뷰캔의 한 지역 캠핑장에서 홍수가 나면서 여성 1명이 물에 휩쓸려 사망했다. 또 멜버른에서 동쪽으로 180㎞ 떨어진 캐린걸에서는 한 남성이 쓰러지는 나무에 맞아 사망했다.
호주 최대 도시 NSW주 시드니에서는 악천후 속에서도 바다에서 수영하던 30대 남성이 물에 빠져 사망했다. 이 사건으로 1주일 전 새로 문을 연 펜리스 비치는 폐쇄됐다.
지난 25일 강한 폭풍으로 송전선이 끊어지면서 브리즈번과 골드코스트 지역 약 12만 가구가 겪었던 정전은 대부분 복구됐다. 하지만 남동부 지역의 약 1천가구에는 여전히 전력 공급이 중단된 상태다.
호주 기상청은 이날 늦게 강한 바람은 누그러질 것으로 보이지만 비는 더 내릴 것으로 예보했다.
25/12/2023 07:00 AM _ NSW SES
NSW State Emergency Service volunteers will be on the ground this morning helping communities clean up after significant storms ravaged parts of the Northern Rivers, Metropolitan Sydney, Illawarra, South Coast and Riverina.
Late on Christmas Eve, nearly 600 NSW SES volunteers were responding to calls for assistance, inlcuding 25 separate flood rescue incidents.
The majority of these were following heavy rainfall in the Sydney and Illawarra areas. Rescues were conducted at Kensington, Randwick, Mascot, Pagewood, Botany, Eastlakes, Kingsford, Wheeny Creek and Rosebery. Flood rescues also conducted at Bulli and Woonona.
NSW SES Acting Assistant Commissioner Allison Flaxman said most flood rescues were for vehicles trapped in flood water.
“We also had several reports of buildings impacted by the flash flooding – with water leaking through roofs and under doors into garages and car parks. SES members assisted with sandbagging and cleanouts.
“Fortunately there were no reports of significant injuries or major damage from the flood rescues.”
Across the state yesterday NSW SES Volunteers responded to 492 incidents. Metropolitan Sydney was the hardest hit in NSW with 313 incidents since 5pm.
In the Southern Region, extensive damage occurred at a Caravan Park at Moama where a number of trees fell on cabins.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Flaxman said there could be a repeat of bad weather on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, with warnings likely across much of the state.
“There is a possibility isolated heavy rainfall totals will exceed 200mm in some parts, which will bring a risk of flash flooding,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Flaxman said.
“NSW SES has prepositioned assets and has flood rescue teams prepared to respond should they be required.
A flood watch has been issued for Moruya and Deua Rivers, Bega River, Tumut River, Queanbeyan and Molonglo Rivers, Snowy River, Upper Murray and Mitta Mitta Rivers.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Flaxman said the NSW SES was asking the community to make safe and sensible decisions this holiday period.
“Take care while driving on the roads, as flash flooding can occur very quickly and without warning,” she said.
“We want to make sure everyone gets to their destinations safely – be sure to assess the conditions and have a plan for poor weather.”
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
Statistics for last 24 hours:
Total incidents: 492
Total human resources: 596
Zone breakdown –
South Eastern Zone: 53
Metro: 313
Northern Zone: 48
Southern Zone: 22
Western Zone: 22
North Eastern: 22
North Western: 7
State HQ: 5
26/12/2023 06:55 AM _ NSW SES
More than 1100 NSW State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers have worked tirelessly throughout Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, responding to a series of severe weather events that have affected many communities.
Severe weather brought giant hail, heavy rainfall, and flash flooding across large parts of the state, including in the Central West, Riverina, South Coast, Sydney, the Central Coast and the Hunter.
On Christmas Day, NSW SES volunteers responded to 312 incidents, which is in addition to the 492 incidents that were recorded on Christmas Eve.
Residents at Grenfell were treated to a white Christmas, as hail blanketed the town shortly after midday. NSW SES Assistant Commissioner Sean Kearns said 41 incidents were reported in the small town.
“There was damage to properties including broken skylights, parts of roofs, broken windows, and damaged vehicles,” Assistant Commissioner Kearns said.
“This kept local SES crews and two teams from Forbes busy throughout the day”.
Hail was also seen in Orange, Yass, and across the coast, as far north as Urbenville and Macksville.
Meanwhile, intense heavy rainfall was received in southeastern parts of NSW. At Eurobodalla, 156mm of rain was received in three hours, resulting in flooding of local roads, and inundation of some properties.
NSW SES crews were responded to flood rescues at Albion Park, Kiama, Laggan (in the Southern Tablelands) and Bemboka (near Bega).
Volatile weather conditions are expected to continue for the next 24-48 hours.
Assistant Commissioner Kearns said the NSW SES remains on high alert and is prepared to respond promptly to emerging situations.
“We’re particularly aware at this time of the year a lot of people undertake Christmas travel plans to be with their friends and family, however, we ask the public to be mindful of the ongoing severe weather,” he said.
“Roads may be hazardous due to flash flooding, damage from recent rainfall and fallen debris, and reduced visibility. Travellers are strongly advised to stay informed about current conditions, exercise caution, and consider delaying travel if conditions worsen.”
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
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