1789년 9월 15일, 미국의 소설가 · 평론가 제임스 페니모어 쿠퍼 (James Fenimore Cooper, 1789 ~ 1851) 출생
제임스 페니모어 쿠퍼 (James Fenimore Cooper, 1789년 9월 15일 ~ 1851년 9월 14일)는 미국의 소설가 · 평론가이다.
뉴욕주의 대지주 아들로 태어나 생활을 위해 노동을 할 필요도 없이 오직 창작에 전념할 수 있었고 더욱 인기 작가까지 된 행운아이다. 이 다작가는 역사, 해양 (海洋), 변경 (邊境), 사회 등 광범한 분야에 걸친 이야기를 쓰고 있는데, 내티 범포 (Natty Bumppo) 를 주인공으로 하는 5편의 변경 로맨스가 가장 유명하며 ‘미국의 스콧’이라 일컬어질 정도로 모험적 로맨스의 이야기에 능했다.
당시 식민지 · 바다 · 개척지 등을 소재로 하여 낭만주의의 세계를 그렸다. 그 후 사회 비평에 관심을 돌려 미국의 현실을 비판하였다. 독립 전쟁 비화인 <스파이>를 발표하여 알려졌으며, <파일럿>으로 인기를 모았다. 그 밖에 영화로도 만들어진 <모히칸 족의 최후>, <개척자>, <길을 여는 사람>, <대평원> 등이 있다.
– 제임스 페니모어 쿠퍼 (James Fenimore Cooper)
.출생: 1789년 9월 15일, 미국 Burlington
.사망: 1851년 9월 14일, 미국 Cooperstown
.직업: 작가, 장교, 소설가, 아동 문학가, 전기 작가
.국적: 미국
.부모: 부) 윌리엄 쿠퍼, 모) 엘리자베스 페니모어 쿠퍼
.배우자: Susan Augusta Delancey (1811 ~ 1851)
.자녀: Susan Fenimore Cooper, Paul Fenimore Cooper
.주요 작품: 모히칸 족의 최후
○ 생애 및 활동
제임스 페니모어 쿠퍼 (James Fenimore Cooper, 1789년 9월 15일 ~ 1851년 9월 14일)는 1789년 9월 15일 뉴저지 주에서 태어났다. 그의 아버지는 성공한 개척자로 변경 지대에 쿠퍼즈타운이라는 마을을 세웠다.
그곳에서 자라난 쿠퍼는 자연스럽게 개척지와 미개척지의 면면을 보게 되었고, 그것은 훗날 그가 소설을 쓰는 데 밑바탕이 되었다.
그는 1821년 독립 전쟁을 다운 최초의 미국 역사 소설 『스파이』를 발표하며 소설가로서의 역량을 드러냈다. 이후 『개척자들』과 해양 소설일 『키잡이』가 성공하며 유명 작가의 자리에 오르게 되었고, 소설뿐만 아니라 유럽의 정치를 다룬 논평이나 여행기를 쓰며 왕성한 활동을 이어 갔다.
그의 작품 세계에서 그리고 미국의 문학사에서 중요한 위치를 차지한 것은 5개의 연작 소설로 이루어진 「레더스타킹 시리즈」이다.
이 시리즈는 당시의 역사적, 사회적 문제를 배경으로 백인과 인디언의 우정과 모험을 그리고 있으며 미국이라는 국가의 정체성과 그 가치를 잘 드러냈다는 평을 받았다.
쿠퍼는 이 시리즈를 통해 자신이 가장 장 표현할 수 있는 이야기와 인물을 만들었으며, 이는 오랫동안 작가 활동을 할 수 있게 해준 원동력이었다.
그의 다른 작품으로는 『대초원』, 『길을 여는 사람』, 『문명을 세우는 사람』,『인디언』,『분화구』 등이 있다.
○ 작품
주요작품으로 <스파이>, <파일럿>, <모히칸 족의 최후>, <개척자>, <길을 여는 사람>, <대평원> 등이 있다.
– Date, Title: Subtitle, Genre, Topic – Location – Period
1820, Precaution, novel, England, 1813–1814 Upper-class romances
1821, The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground, novel, Westchester County, New York, 1780 Conflicts and espionage between military and guerilla forces in Revolutionary War
1823, The Pioneers: or The Sources of the Susquehanna, novel, Leatherstocking, Otsego County, New York, 1793–1794, A “Descriptive Tale” of early Cooperstown
1823, Tales for Fifteen: or Imagination and Heart, short stories, moralistic tales written under the pseudonym: Jane Morgan
1824, The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea, novel, John Paul Jones, England, 1780. The American Revolution at sea
1825, Lionel Lincoln: or The Leaguer of Boston, novel, Boston, 1775–1781 Conflicts between Patriots and Loyalists leading to Bunker Hill
1826, The Last of the Mohicans: A narrative of 1757, novel, Leatherstocking, French and Indian War, Lake George & Adirondacks, 1757
1827, The Prairie, novel, Leatherstocking, American Midwest, 1805—The Louisiana Purchase
1828, The Red Rover: A Tale, novel, Newport, Rhode Island & Atlantic Ocean, pirates, 1759
1828, Notions of the Americans: Picked up by a Travelling Bachelor, non-fiction, Cooper’s response to Lafayette’s request to present Americas favorably to Europeans
1829, The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish: A Tale, novel, Western Connecticut, Puritans and Indians, 1660–1676, King Philip’s War
1830, The Water-Witch: or the Skimmer of the Seas, novel, New York, smugglers, 1713
1830, Letter to General Lafayette, politics, France vs. US, cost of government
1831, The Bravo: A Tale, novel, Venice, 18th century. Corruption of the Venetian Republic by oligarchs
1832, The Heidenmauer: or, The Benedictines, A Legend of the Rhine, novel, German Rhineland, 16th century, The Protestant reformation and greed
1832, No Steamboats, short story, allegory satirizing European misconceptions about America which Cooper first wrote in French
1833, The Headsman: The Abbaye des Vignerons, novel, Geneva, Switzerland, & Alps, 18th century
1834, A Letter to His Countrymen, politics, Why Cooper temporarily stopped writing
1835, The Monikins, novel, Antarctica, aristocratic monkeys, 1830s; a satire on British and American politics.
1836, The Eclipse, memoir, Solar eclipse in Cooperstown, New York Cooper’s reaction to a criminal whose execution was stayed, 1806
1836, An Execution at Sea, short story, execution of a murderer on a ship. Cooper’s authorship is questionable.
1836, Gleanings in Europe: Switzerland (Sketches of Switzerland), travel, Hiking in Switzerland, 1828. All five Gleanings books full of social and political commentary.
1836, Gleanings in Europe: The Rhine (Sketches of Switzerland, Part Second), travel, Travels France, Rhineland & Switzerland, 1832
1836, A Residence in France: With an Excursion Up the Rhine, and a Second Visit to Switzerland, travel
1837, Gleanings in Europe: France, travel, Living, travelling in France, 1826–1828; author’s involvement in the political upheavals of the period
1837, Gleanings in Europe: England, travel, Travels in England, 1826, 1828, 1833; dislike of English aristocracy
1838, Gleanings in Europe: Italy, travel, Living, travelling in Italy, 1828–1830
1838, The American Democrat: or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of Americanon-fiction, US society and government
1838T, he Chronicles of Cooperstown, history, Local history of Cooperstown, New York
1838, Homeward Bound: or The Chase: A Tale of the Sea, novel, Atlantic Ocean & North African coast, 1835. The Effingham family, descendants of Oliver Effingham of The Pioneers, return home from Europe
1838, Home as Found: Sequel to Homeward Bound, novel, Eve Effingham and her family encounter a social world new to them in New York City & Templeton/Cooperstown, New York, 1835
1839, The History of the Navy of the United States of America, history, U.S. naval history to date
1839, Old Ironsides, history, History of the Frigate USS Constitution, 1st pub. 1853
1840, The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea, novel, Leatherstocking, Western New York, 1759. Middle-aged Natty Bumppo falls in love
1840, Mercedes of Castile: or, The Voyage to Cathay, novel, Christopher Columbus in West Indies, 1490s
1841, The Deerslayer: or The First Warpath, novel, Leatherstocking, Otsego Lake 1740–1745. Natty Bumppo as a youth
1842, The Two Admirals, novel, England & English Channel, Scottish uprising, 1745
1842, The Wing-and-Wing: le Le Feu-Follet (Jack o Lantern), novel, Italian coast, Napoleonic Wars, 1799
1843, Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief, also published as Le Mouchoir: An Autobiographical Romance • The French Governess: or The Embroidered Handkerchief • Die franzosischer Erzieheren: oder das gestickte Taschentuch, novelette, Social satire on the nouveau riche, France & New York, 1830s
1843, Richard Dale, biography
1843, Wyandotté: or The Hutted Knoll. A Tale, novel, Butternut Valley of Otsego County, New York, Indian romance, 1763–1776
1843, Ned Myers: or Life before the Mast, biography, of Cooper’s shipmate who survived an 1813 sinking of a US sloop of war in a storm
1844, Afloat and Ashore: or The Adventures of Miles Wallingford. A Sea Tale, novel, Ulster County & worldwide, 1795–1805
1844, Miles Wallingford: Sequel to Afloat and Ashore British title: Lucy Hardinge: A Second Series of Afloat and Ashore (1844), novel, Ulster County & worldwide, 1795–1805
1844, Proceedings of the Naval Court-Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, &c., Non-fiction, Detailed legal assessment of Mackenzie’s execution of alleged mutineers
1845, Satanstoe: or The Littlepage Manuscripts, a Tale of the Colony, novel, New York City, Westchester County, Albany, Adirondacks, 1758. Prequel to the “anti-rent wars”
1845, The Chainbearer; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts, novel, Westchester County, Adirondacks, 1780s. Next Littlepage generation tries to settle in their lands after the Revolutionary War
1846, The Redskins; or, Indian and Injin: Being the Conclusion of the Littlepage Manuscripts, novel, Anti-rent wars, Adirondacks, 1845. The “anti-rent” war full blown
1846, Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers, biography
1847, The Crater; or, Vulcan’s Peak: A Tale of the Pacific (Mark’s Reef), novel, Philadelphia, Bristol (PA), & deserted Pacific island, early 19th century Utopia destroyed by political strife
1848, Jack Tier: or the Florida Reefs
a.k.a. Captain Spike: or The Islets of the Gulf, novel, Florida Keys, Mexican War, 1846
1848, The Oak Openings: or the Bee-Hunter, novel, Kalamazoo River, Michigan, War of 1812
1849, The Sea Lions: The Lost Sealers, novel, Long Island & Antarctica, 1819–1820. Heavy emphasis on religion.
1850, The Ways of the Hour, novel, “Dukes County, New York”, murder/courtroom mystery novel, legal corruption, women’s rights, 1846
1850, Upside Down: or Philosophy in Petticoats, play, satirization of socialism
1851, The Lake Gun, short story, Seneca Lake in New York, political satire based on folklore
1851, New York: or The Towns of Manhattan, history, Unfinished, history of New York City, 1st pub. 1864
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