1885년 2월 7일, 미국의 작가 싱클레어 루이스 (Harry Sinclair Lewis, 1885 ~ 1951) 출생
헤리 싱클레어 루이스 (Harry Sinclair Lewis, 1885년 2월 7일 ~ 1951년 1월 10일)는 미국의 작가이다. 미네소타주에서 태어났다. 1930년 미국 문학 역사에서는 처음으로 노벨문학상을 받았다.
– 싱클레어 루이스 (Harry Sinclair Lewis)
.출생: 1885년 2월 7일, 미국 미네소타주(州) 소크센터
.사망: 1951년 1월 10일, 이탈리아 로마
.배우자: 도로시 톰슨 (1928 ~ 1942), 그레이스 헤거 루이스 (1914 ~ 1925)
.자녀: 웰스 루이스, 마이클 루이스
.학력: 1902년 오벌린 대학교 입학, 1907년 예일 대학교 학사
.수상: 퓰리처상 픽션 부분, 프로메테우스상, 노벨 문학상
1902년 오벌린 대학교에 입학했지만 1903년 예일대학교로 옮겨 1907년 학사로 졸업하고 기자로 일했으며, 출판사에서 편집자로 일하기도 했는데, 그의 다양한 경험은 미국 사회와 종교의 문제점을 예리하게 비판하는 지성을 갖게 해 주어, 작가로서의 명성을 날렸다. 하지만, 개인적으로는 알코올 중독, 두 번의 이혼을 겪는 등 행복하지 못했다.
싱클레어 루이스 (Sinclair Lewis)는 실험적 사회주의 공동생활체인 헬리컨 홈 콜로니에 참가하여 상업주의와 싸워가면서 끝까지 과학정신으로 살려고 하는 세균학자를 다룬 《애로스미스》로 퓰리쳐 상을, 자동차 제조업자의 전통과 예술에의 각성을 그린 《도즈워스》등을 써 미국 문학가 중 처음으로 노벨문학상을 받은 작가이다.
○ 생애 및 활동
싱클레어 루이스 (Sinclair Lewis)는 1885년 2월 7일 미네소타주(州) 소크센터에서 출생하였다. 예일대학교 재학 중 U.싱클레어를 중심으로 시작된 실험적 사회주의 공동생활체인 헬리컨 홈 콜로니 (Helicon Home Colony)에 참가하였다. 졸업 후 편집 조수, 파나마에서는 운하공사장· 건축공사장· 신문사 등에서 일하면서 각지를 전전하다가 드디어 최초의 장편소설 《우리 회사 사원 렌 Our Mr.Wrenn》(1914)을 발표하여, 사실주의 수법·유머·풍자 등을 개성적인 재능으로 잘 표현함으로써 알려졌다.
1907년 예일대학교를 졸업하고 기자로 활동했으며 여러 출판사에서 편집자로 일했다. ‘메인 스트리트’를 계기로 문학적 명성을 얻었고, 1922년 속물적 미국인을 파헤친 ‘배빗’을 출간했다. 그 후 ‘배빗’이라는 이름은 행동 반경이 자기 마을에 국한된 낙천적이고 자기만족적인 중년의 사업가를 가리키는 말로 사용되었다.
『메인 스트리트 (Main Street, 1920)』, 『배빗 (Babbitt, 1922)』, 『엘머 갠트리 (Elmer Gantry, 1927)』 등 다수의 작품을 집필했다. 그의 책 『우리의 미스터 렌』은 사실적인 묘사와 더불어 유머와 풍자 등을 유쾌한 문체로 쓴 작품으로 작가 등단 초기에 쓴 장편소설이다.
그는 미국의 소설가이자 사회비평가로 미국의 자만심에 일격을 가하는 풍자소설을 써서 폭 넓은 인기를 얻었다.
루이스는 말년을 거의 해외에서 보냈으며 1930년 이후 문학적 명성이 차츰 쇠퇴해갔다. 2번의 결혼은 모두 이혼으로 끝났고, 알코올 중독되는 등 불운한 말년을 보냈다.
○ 주요 작품
『메인 스트리트 (Main Street, 1920)』, 『배빗(Babbitt, 1922)』, 『엘머 갠트리 (Elmer Gantry, 1927)』 등 다수의 작품을 집필했다. 그의 책 『우리의 미스터 렌』은 사실적인 묘사와 더불어 유머와 풍자 등을 유쾌한 문체로 쓴 작품으로 작가 등단 초기에 쓴 장편소설이다.
그는 미국의 소설가이자 사회비평가로 미국의 자만심에 일격을 가하는 풍자소설을 써서 폭 넓은 인기를 얻었다.
– Novels
1912: Hike and the Aeroplane (juvenile, as Tom Graham)
1914: Our Mr. Wrenn: The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
1915: The Trail of the Hawk: A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
1917: The Job: An American Novel
1917: The Innocents: A Story for Lovers
1919: Free Air
Serialized in The Saturday Evening Post, May 31, June 7, June 14 and 21, 1919
1920: Main Street: The Story of Carol Kennicott
1922: Babbitt
Excerpted in Hearst’s International, October 1922
1925: Arrowsmith
1926: Mantrap
Serialized in Collier’s, February 20, March 20 and April 24, 1926
1927: Elmer Gantry
1928: The Man Who Knew Coolidge: Being the Soul of Lowell Schmaltz, Constructive and Nordic Citizen
1929: Dodsworth
1933: Ann Vickers
Serialized in Redbook, August, November and December 1932
1934: Work of Art
1935: It Can’t Happen Here
1938: The Prodigal Parents
1940: Bethel Merriday
1943: Gideon Planish
1945: Cass Timberlane: A Novel of Husbands and Wives
Appeared in Cosmopolitan, July 1945.
1947: Kingsblood Royal
1949: The God-Seeker
1951: World So Wide (posthumous)
Babbitt, Mantrap and Cass Timberline were published as Armed Services Editions during WWII.
– Short stories
1907: “That Passage in Isaiah”, The Blue Mule, May 1907
1907: “Art and the Woman”, The Gray Goose, June 1907
1911: “The Way to Rome”, The Bellman, May 13, 1911
1915: “Commutation: $9.17”, The Saturday Evening Post, October 30, 1915
1915: “The Other Side of the House”, The Saturday Evening Post, November 27, 1915
1916: “If I Were Boss”, The Saturday Evening Post, January 1 and 8, 1916
1916: “I’m a Stranger Here Myself”, The Smart Set, August 1916
1916: “He Loved His Country”, Everybody’s Magazine, October 1916
1916: “Honestly If Possible”, The Saturday Evening Post, October 14, 191
1917: “Twenty-Four Hours in June”, The Saturday Evening Post, February 17, 1917
1917: “The Innocents”, Woman’s Home Companion, March 1917
1917: “A Story with a Happy Ending”, The Saturday Evening Post, March 17, 1917
1917: “Hobohemia”, The Saturday Evening Post, April 7, 1917
1917: “The Ghost Patrol”, The Red Book Magazine, June 1917
Adapted for the silent film The Ghost Patrol (1923)
1917: “Young Man Axelbrod”, The Century, June 1917
1917: “A Woman by Candlelight”, The Saturday Evening Post, July 28, 1917
1917: “The Whisperer”, The Saturday Evening Post, August 11, 1917
1917: “The Hidden People”, Good Housekeeping, September 1917
1917: “Joy-Joy”, The Saturday Evening Post, October 20, 1917
1918: “A Rose for Little Eva”, McClure’s, February 1918
1918: “Slip It to ‘Em”, Metropolitan Magazine, March 1918
1918: “An Invitation to Tea”, Every Week, June 1, 1918
1918: “The Shadowy Glass”, The Saturday Evening Post, June 22, 1918
1918: “The Willow Walk”, The Saturday Evening Post, August 10, 1918
1918: “Getting His Bit”, Metropolitan Magazine, September 1918
1918: “The Swept Hearth”, The Saturday Evening Post, September 21, 1918
1918: “Jazz”, Metropolitan Magazine, October 1918
1918: “Gladvertising”, The Popular Magazine, October 7, 1918
1919: “Moths in the Arc Light”, The Saturday Evening Post, January 11, 1919
1919: “The Shrinking Violet”, The Saturday Evening Post, February 15, 1919
1919: “Things”, The Saturday Evening Post, February 22, 1919
1919: “The Cat of the Stars”, The Saturday Evening Post, April 19, 1919
1919: “The Watcher Across the Road”, The Saturday Evening Post, May 24, 1919
1919: “Speed”, The Red Book Magazine, June 1919
1919: “The Shrimp-Colored Blouse”, The Red Book Magazine, August 1919
1919: “The Enchanted Hour”, The Saturday Evening Post, August 9, 1919
1919: “Danger—Run Slow”, The Saturday Evening Post, October 18 and 25, 1919
1919: “Bronze Bars”, The Saturday Evening Post, December 13, 1919
1920: “Habaes Corpus”, The Saturday Evening Post, January 24, 1920
1920: “Way I See It”, The Saturday Evening Post, May 29, 1920
1920: “The Good Sport”, The Saturday Evening Post, December 11, 1920
1921: “A Matter of Business”, Harper’s, March 1921
1921: “Number Seven to Sagapoose”, The American Magazine, May 1921
1921: “The Post-Mortem Murder”, The Century, May 1921
1923: “The Hack Driver”, The Nation, August 29, 1923
1929: “He Had a Brother”, Cosmopolitan, May 1929
1929: “There Was a Prince”, Cosmopolitan, June 1929
1929: “Elizabeth, Kitty and Jane”, Cosmopolitan, July 1929
1929: “Dear Editor”, Cosmopolitan, August 1929
1929: “What a Man!”, Cosmopolitan, September 1929
1929: “Keep Out of the Kitchen”, Cosmopolitan, October 1929
1929: “A Letter from the Queen”, Cosmopolitan, December 1929
1930: “Youth”, Cosmopolitan, February 1930
1930: “Noble Experiment”, Cosmopolitan, August 1930
1930: “Little Bear Bongo”, Cosmopolitan, September 1930
Adapted for the animated feature film Fun and Fancy Free (1947)
1930: “Go East, Young Man”, Cosmopolitan, December 1930
1931: “Let’s Play King”, Cosmopolitan, January, February and March 1931
1931: “Pajamas”, Redbook, April 1931
1931: “Ring Around a Rosy”, The Saturday Evening Post, June 6, 1931
1931: “City of Mercy”, Cosmopolitan, July 1931
1931: “Land”, The Saturday Evening Post, September 12, 1931
1931: “Dollar Chasers”, The Saturday Evening Post, October 17 and 24, 1931
1935: “The Hippocratic Oath”, Cosmopolitan, June 1935
1935: “Proper Gander”, The Saturday Evening Post, July 13, 1935
1935: “Onward, Sons of Ingersoll!”, Scribner’s, August 1935
1936: “From the Queen”, Argosy, February 1936
1941: “The Man Who Cheated Time”, Good Housekeeping, March 1941
1941: “Manhattan Madness”, The American Magazine, September 1941
1941: “They Had Magic Then!”, Liberty, September 6, 1941
1943: “All Wives Are Angels”, Cosmopolitan, February 1943
1943: “Nobody to Write About”, Cosmopolitan, July 1943
1943: “Green Eyes—A Handbook of Jealousy”, Cosmopolitan, September and October 1943
1943: Harri
Serialized in Good Housekeeping, August, September 1943
– The Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis (1904–1949)
Samuel J. Rogal edited The Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis (1904–1949), a seven-volume set published in 2007 by Edwin Mellen Press. The first attempt to collect all of Lewis’s short stories.
Volume 1 (June 1904 – January 1916)
Volume 2 (August 1916 – October 1917)
Volume 3 (January 1918 – February 1919)
Volume 4 (February 1919 – May 1921)
Volume 5 (August 1923 – April 1931)
Volume 6 (June 1931 – March 1941)
Volume 7 (September 1941 – May 1949)
– Articles
1915: “Nature, Inc.”, The Saturday Evening Post, October 2, 1915
1917: “For the Zelda Bunch”, McClure’s, October 1917
1918: “Spiritualist Vaudeville”, Metropolitan Magazine, February 1918
1919: “Adventures in Autobumming: Gasoline Gypsies”, The Saturday Evening Post, December 20, 1919
1919: “Adventures in Autobumming: Want a Lift?”, The Saturday Evening Post, December 27, 1919
1920: “Adventures in Autobumming: The Great American Frying Pan”, The Saturday Evening Post, January 3, 1920
– Plays
1919: Hobohemia
1934: Jayhawker: A Play in Three Acts (with Lloyd Lewis)
1936: It Can’t Happen Here (with John C. Moffitt)
1938: Angela Is Twenty-Two (with Fay Wray)
Adapted for the feature film This Is the Life (1944)
– Screenplay
1943: Storm In the West (with Dore Schary – unproduced)[29]
1907: “The Ultra-Modern”, The Smart Set, July 1907
1907: “Dim Hours of Dusk”, The Smart Set, August 1907
1907: “Disillusion”, The Smart Set, December 1907
1909: “Summer in Winter”, People’s Magazine, February 1909
1912: “A Canticle of Great Lovers”, Ainslee’s Magazine, July 1912
1942: Henry Ward Beecher: An American Portrait (by Paxton Hibben; publisher: The Press of the Readers Club, NY NY)
– Books
1915: Tennis As I Play It (ghostwritten for Maurice McLoughlin)[45]
1926: John Dos Passos’ Manhattan Transfer
1929: Cheap and Contented Labor: The Picture of a Southern Mill Town in 1929
1935: Selected Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis
1952: From Main Street to Stockholm: Letters of Sinclair Lewis, 1919–1930 (edited by Alfred Harcourt and Oliver Harrison)
1953: A Sinclair Lewis Reader: Selected Essays and Other Writings, 1904–1950 (edited by Harry E. Maule and Melville Cane)
1962: I’m a Stranger Here Myself and Other Stories (edited by Mark Schorer)
1962: Sinclair Lewis: A Collection of Critical Essays (edited by Mark Schorer)
1985: Selected Letters of Sinclair Lewis (edited by John J. Koblas and Dave Page)
1997: If I Were Boss: The Early Business Stories of Sinclair Lewis (edited by Anthony Di Renzo)
2000: Minnesota Diary, 1942–46 (edited by George Killough)
2005: Go East, Young Man: Sinclair Lewis on Class in America (edited by Sally E. Parry)
2005: The Minnesota Stories of Sinclair Lewis (edited by Sally E. Parry)
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