1894년 2월 3일, 미국의 화가 노먼 록웰 (Norman Perceval Rockwell, 1894 ~ 1978) 출생
노먼 퍼시벌 록웰 (Norman Perceval Rockwell, 1894년 2월 3일 ~ 1978년 11월 8일)은 미국의 20세기 화가이자 일러스트레이터이다.
– 노먼 퍼시벌 록웰 (Norman Perceval Rockwell)
.출생: 1894년 2월 3일, 미국 뉴욕 뉴욕
.사망: 1978년 11월 8일, 미국 매사추세츠 스톡브리지
.수상: 대통령 자유 훈장
.시리즈: 네 가지 자유
.부모: 자비스 워링 록웰, 앤 메리 록웰
.형제자매: 자비스 워링 록웰 주니어
미국 중산층의 생활모습을 친근하고 인상적으로 묘사한 작품들로 유명하다.
〈새터데이 이브닝 포스트〉지의 표지 그림을 40년 넘게 그렸다.
○ 작품
– Major works
Children Dancing at a Party (1918)
The Love Song (1926)
The Four Freedoms (1943)
Freedom of Speech (1943)
Freedom of Worship (1943)
Freedom from Want (1943)
Freedom from Fear (1943)
Rosie the Riveter (1943)
Little Girl Observing Lovers on a Train (1944)
We, Too, Have a Job to Do (1944)
Working on the Statue of Liberty (1946)
Tough Call (1948)
Saying Grace (1951)
Walking to Church (1953)
Breaking Home Ties (1954)
Marriage License (1955)
The Scoutmaster (1956)
The Rookie (1957)
The Runaway (1958)
Triple Self-Portrait (1960)
Golden Rule (1961)
The Connoisseur (1962)
Growth of a Leader (1964)
The Problem We All Live With (1964)
Murder in Mississippi (1965)
Southern Justice (Murder in Mississippi) (1965)
New Kids in the Neighborhood (1967)
Russian Schoolroom (1967)
The Spirit of 1976 (1976)
– Film posters and album cover
The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938)
The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)
The Song of Bernadette (1943)
Along Came Jones (1945)
The Razor’s Edge (1946)
Cinderfella (1960)
Stagecoach (1966)
He designed an album cover for The Live Adventures of Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper (1969). He was also commissioned by English musician David Bowie to design the cover artwork for his 1975 album Young Americans, but the offer was retracted after Rockwell informed him he would need at least half a year to complete a painting for the album.
– Displays
Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Rockwell Collection at the National Museum of American Illustration
Rockwell illustrations for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn at the Mark Twain Museum in Hannibal MO.
Norman Rockwell World War II posters, hosted by the University of North Texas Libraries Digital Collections
Norman Rockwell and the Art of Scouting at the National Scouting Museum, Irving, Texas
Norman Rockwell Exhibit in Arlington, Vermont
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