1981년 1월 6일, 영국의 의사•소설가 아치볼드 조지프 크로닌 (Archibald Joseph Cronin, 1896 ~ 1981) 별세
아치볼드 조지프 크로닌 (Archibald Joseph Cronin, M.B., Ch.B., M.D., D.P.H., M.R.C.P., 1896년 7월 19일 ~ 1981년 1월 6일) 은 영국의 소설가이자 의사이다.
스코틀랜드의 덤버튼에서 출생하였으며, 의학을 전공한 후 해군 군의관·탄광 의사를 지냈다. 그 후 개업하여 크게 번성하였으나, 소년 시절부터 꿈꾸어 왔던 소설가로 직업을 바꾸었다.
– 아치볼드 조지프 크로닌 (Archibald Joseph Cronin)
.출생: 1896년 7월 19일, 영국 카드로스
.사망: 1981년 1월 6일, 스위스 몽트뢰
.배우자: 아그네스 메리 깁슨 (1921년–1981년)
.자녀: 빈센트크로닌, 앤드류 크로닌, R. F. 패트릭 크로닌
.대표작: 천국의 열쇠, 두 세계 사이, 청년 시절
1931년 《모자 장사의 성》으로 문단에 등장하였으며, 자전적인 소설 《성채》를 발표하여 큰 인기를 얻었다.
그는 주로 인도주의적인 입장에서 작품을 썼다. 대표작으로는 《천국의 열쇠》, 《두 세계 사이》, 《청년 시절》 등이 있다.
그의 작품은 인도주의에 기반하면서 사회성과 대중성의 조화를 이룬 것과 더불어, 타 종교에도 포용적인 면모를 보인 것이 특징이다.
1981년 1월 6잉 스위스 몽트뢰에서 사망했다.
○ 생애 및 활동
아치볼드 조지프 크로닌 (Archibald Joseph Cronin)은 1896년 스코틀랜드 덤바턴셔 카드로스에서 태어났다.
일찍이 아버지를 여의고 외가에서 가난하고 고독한 어린 시절을 보냈다.
1914년 글래스고 의과대학에 진학한 그는 대학을 졸업하던 해 1차 세계 대전이 발발하자 해군 군의관으로 입대했고, 전쟁 후에는 인도행 선박의 촉탁의로 일했다.
1921년부터 삼 년 동안 남웨일스 탄광촌에서 의사로 근무했는데, 이때의 경험은 훗날 『성채』를 쓰는 데 많은 영향을 주었다.
웨일스와 런던에서 차례로 개업한 크로닌은 의사로서 성공 가도를 달렸지만, 십이지장 궤양이 발병해 고향 스코틀랜드에서 요양하며 어린 시절부터 꿈이었던 소설 쓰기를 시작한다.
1931년 발표한 첫 소설 『모자 장수의 성』은 출간 즉시 경이로운 반응을 불러일으키며 ‘전후 최고의 소설’이라는 평가를 받았다. 이에 힘입어 전업 작가로 나선 크로닌은 발표하는 작품마다 큰 성공을 거두었고, 대표작 『성채』(1937), 『천국의 열쇠』(1942)를 비롯해 『별들이 내려다보다』(1935), 『풋내기 시절』 (1944) 등은 영화로도 만들어졌다.
1981년 숨을 거둘 때까지 지칠 줄 모르는 필력을 과시한 크로닌의 작품들은 생생한 인물 묘사와 극적인 플롯, 종교적 정신에 입각한 휴머니즘으로 지금도 폭넓은 인기를 누리고 있다.
○ 작품
1931년 《모자 장사의 성》으로 문단에 등장 하였으며, 『성채』(1937), 『천국의 열쇠』 (1942)를 비롯해 『별들이 내려다보다』(1935), 『풋내기 시절』(1944) 등은 영화로도 만들어졌다.
- Bibliography
Hatter’s Castle (novel, 1931), ISBN 0-450-03486-0
Three Loves (novel, 1932), ISBN 0-450-02202-1
Kaleidoscope in “K” (novella, 1933)
Grand Canary (serial novel, 1933), ISBN 0-450-02047-9
Woman of the Earth (novella, 1933) ISBN 978-1543185812
Country Doctor (novella, 1935) ISBN 978-1523347100
The Stars Look Down (novel, 1935), ISBN 0-450-00497-X
Lady with Carnations (serial novel, 1935), ISBN 0-450-03631-6
The Citadel (novel, 1937), ISBN 0-450-01041-4
Vigil in the Night (serial novella, 1939) ISBN 978-0-9727439-6-9
Jupiter Laughs (play, 1940), ISBN B000OHEBC2
Child of Compassion (novelette, 1940), ISBN 978-1530135349
Enchanted Snow (novel, 1940), ISBN 978-1523950119
The Valorous Years (serial novella, 1940) ISBN 978-0-9727439-7-6
The Keys of the Kingdom (novel, 1941), ISBN 0-450-01042-2
Adventures of a Black Bag (short stories, 1943, rev. 1969), ISBN 0-450-00306-X
The Green Years (novel, 1944), ISBN 0-450-01820-2
The Man Who Couldn’t Spend Money (novelette, 1946), ISBN 978-1530135349
Shannon’s Way (novel, 1948; sequel to The Green Years), ISBN 0-450-03313-9
Gracie Lindsay (serial novel, 1949), ISBN 0-450-04536-6
The Spanish Gardener (novel, 1950), ISBN 0-450-01108-9
Beyond This Place (novel, 1950), ISBN 0-450-01708-7
Adventures in Two Worlds (autobiography, 1952), ISBN 0-450-03195-0
Escape from Fear (serial novella, 1954), ISBN 978-1523326921
A Thing of Beauty (novel, 1956), ISBN 0-515-03379-0; also published as Crusader’s Tomb (1956), ISBN 0-450-01394-4
The Northern Light (novel, 1958), ISBN 0-450-01538-6
The Innkeeper’s Wife (short story republished as a book, 1958), ISBN 978-1543220940
The Cronin Omnibus (three earlier novels, collected in 1958), ISBN 0-575-05836-6
The Native Doctor; also published as An Apple in Eden (novel, 1959), ISBN 978-1523392537
The Judas Tree (novel, 1961), ISBN 0-450-01393-6
A Song of Sixpence (novel, 1964), ISBN 0-450-03312-0
Adventures of a Black Bag (short stories, 1969), ISBN 0-450-00306X
A Pocketful of Rye (novel, 1969; sequel to A Song of Sixpence), ISBN 0-450-39010-1
Desmonde (novel, 1975), ISBN 0-316-16163-2; also published as The Minstrel Boy (1975), ISBN 0-450-03279-5
Doctor Finlay of Tannochbrae (short stories, 1978), ISBN 0-450-04246-4
Dr Finlay’s Casebook (omnibus edition – 2010), ISBN 978-1-84158-854-4
Further Adventures of a Country Doctor (twelve late-1930s short stories, collected in 2017), ISBN 978-1543289190
- Selected periodical publications
“Lily of the Valley,” Hearst’s International-Cosmopolitan, (February 1936), ISBN 978-1543220940
“The Citadel…” The Australian Women’s Weekly, (9 October 1937) Vol.5 # 18, begin serialization.
“Mascot for Uncle,” Good Housekeeping, (February 1938), ISBN 978-1530135349
“The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met: The Doctor of Lennox,” Reader’s Digest, 35 (September 1939): 26–30.
“The Portrait,” Hearst’s International-Cosmopolitan, (December 1940), ISBN 978-1543220940
“Turning Point of My Career,” Reader’s Digest, 38 (May 1941): 53–57.
“Diogenes in Maine,” Reader’s Digest, 39 (August 1941): 11–13.
“Reward of Mercy,” Reader’s Digest, 39 (September 1941): 25–37.
“How I Came to Write a Novel of a Priest,” Life, 11 (20 October 1941): 64–66.
“Drama in Everyday Life,” Reader’s Digest, 42 (March 1943): 83–86.
“Candles in Vienna,” Reader’s Digest, 48 (June 1946): 1–3.
“Star of Hope Still Rises,” Reader’s Digest, 53 (December 1948): 1–3.
“Johnny Brown Stays Here,” Reader’s Digest, 54 (January 1949): 9–12.
Two Gentlemen of Verona,” Reader’s Digest, 54 (February 1949): 1–5.
“Greater Gift,” Reader’s Digest, 54 (March 1949): 88–91.
“The One Chance,” Redbook, (March 1949), ISBN 978-1543220940
“An Irish Rose,” Reader’s Digest, 56 (January 1950): 21–24.
“Monsieur le Maire,” Reader’s Digest, 58 (January 1951): 52–56.
“Best Investment I Ever Made,” Reader’s Digest, 58 (March 1951): 25–28.
“Quo Vadis?”, Reader’s Digest, 59 (December 1951): 41–44.
“Tombstone for Nora Malone,” Reader’s Digest, 60 (January 1952): 99–101.
“When You Dread Failure,” Reader’s Digest, 60 (February 1952): 21–24.
“What I Learned at La Grande Chartreuse,” Reader’s Digest, 62 (February 1953): 73–77.
“Grace of Gratitude,” Reader’s Digest, 62 (March 1953): 67–70.
“Thousand and One Lives,” Reader’s Digest, 64 (January 1954): 8–11.
“How to Stop Worrying,” Reader’s Digest, 64 (May 1954): 47–50.
“Don’t Be Sorry for Yourself!,” Reader’s Digest, 66 (February 1955): 97–100.
“Unless You Deny Yourself,” Reader’s Digest, 68 (January 1956): 54–56.
“Resurrection of Joao Jacinto,” Reader’s Digest, 89 (November 1966): 153–157.
- Film adaptations
1934 – Once to Every Woman (from short story, Kaleidoscope in “K”), directed by Lambert Hillyer, featuring Ralph Bellamy, Fay Wray, Walter Connolly, Mary Carlisle, and Walter Byron
1934 – Grand Canary, directed by Irving Cummings, featuring Warner Baxter, Madge Evans, Marjorie Rambeau, Zita Johann, and H. B. Warner
1938 – The Citadel, directed by King Vidor, featuring Robert Donat, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Richardson, and Rex Harrison
1940 – Vigil in the Night, directed by George Stevens, featuring Carole Lombard, Brian Aherne, Anne Shirley, and Robert Coote
1940 – The Stars Look Down, directed by Carol Reed, narrated by Lionel Barrymore (US version), featuring Michael Redgrave, Margaret Lockwood, Emlyn Williams, Nancy Price, and Cecil Parker
1941 – Shining Victory (from play, Jupiter Laughs), directed by Irving Rapper, featuring James Stephenson, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Donald Crisp, Barbara O’Neil, and Bette Davis
1942 – Hatter’s Castle, directed by Lance Comfort, featuring Robert Newton, Deborah Kerr, James Mason, Emlyn Williams, and Enid Stamp Taylor
1944 – The Keys of the Kingdom, directed by John M. Stahl, featuring Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell, Vincent Price, Rose Stradner, Edmund Gwenn, Benson Fong, Cedric Hardwicke, Jane Ball, and Roddy McDowall
1946 – The Green Years, directed by Victor Saville, featuring Charles Coburn, Tom Drake, Beverly Tyler, Hume Cronyn, Gladys Cooper, Dean Stockwell, Selena Royle, and Jessica Tandy
1953 – Ich suche Dich (“I Seek You” – from play, Jupiter Laughs), directed by O. W. Fischer, featuring O.W. Fischer, Anouk Aimée, Nadja Tiller, and Otto Brüggemann
1955 – Sabar Uparey (from novel, Beyond This Place), directed by Agradoot, featuring Uttam Kumar, Suchitra Sen, Chhabi Biswas, Pahari Sanyal and Nitish Mukherjee
1957 – The Spanish Gardener, directed by Philip Leacock, featuring Dirk Bogarde, Jon Whiteley, Michael Hordern, Cyril Cusack, and Lyndon Brook
1958 – Kala Pani (“Black Water” – from novel, Beyond This Place)–directed by Raj Khosla, featuring Dev Anand, Madhubala, Nalini Jaywant, and Agha
1959 – Web of Evidence (from novel, Beyond This Place), directed by Jack Cardiff, featuring Van Johnson, Vera Miles, Emlyn Williams, Bernard Lee, and Jean Kent
1967 – Poola Rangadu (from novel, Beyond This Place), directed by Adurthi Subba Rao, featuring ANR, Jamuna, and Nageshwara Rao Akkineni
1971 – Tere Mere Sapne (“Our Dreams” – from the novel The Citadel), directed by Vijay Anand, featuring Dev Anand, Mumtaz, Hema Malini, Vijay Anand, and Prem Nath
1972 – Jiban Saikate (from novel, The Citadel)–directed by Swadesh Sarkar, featuring Soumitra Chatterjee and Aparna Sen
1975 – Mausam (“Seasons”, from the novel The Judas Tree), directed by Gulzar, featuring Sharmila Tagore, Sanjeev Kumar, Dina Pathak, and Om Shivpuri
1982 – Madhura Swapnam (from the novel The Citadel), directed by K. Raghavendra Rao, featuring Jaya Prada, Jayasudha, and Krishnamraju
- Selected television credits
1955 – Escape From Fear (CBS), featuring William Lundigan, Tristram Coffin, Mari Blanchard, Howard Duff, and Jay Novello
1957 – Beyond This Place (CBS), featuring Farley Granger, Peggy Ann Garner, Max Adrian, Brian Donlevy, and Shelley Winters
1958 – Nicholas (TV Tupi), featuring Ricardinho, Roberto de Cleto, and Rafael Golombeck
1960 – The Citadel (ABC), featuring James Donald, Ann Blyth, Lloyd Bochner, Hugh Griffith, and Torin Thatcher
1960 – The Citadel, featuring Eric Lander, Zena Walker, Jack May, Elizabeth Shepherd, and Richard Vernon
1962–1971 – Dr Finlay’s Casebook (BBC), featuring Bill Simpson, Andrew Cruickshank, and Barbara Mullen
1962 and 1963 – The Ordeal of Dr Shannon (NBC & ITV), featuring Rod Taylor, Elizabeth MacLennan, and Ronald Fraser
1963–1965 – Memorandum van een dokter, featuring Bram van der Vlugt, Rob Geraerds, and Fien Berghegge
1964 – La Cittadella (RAI), featuring Alberto Lupo, Anna Maria Guarnieri, Fosco Giachetti, Loretta Goggi and Eleonora Rossi Drago
1964 – Novi asistent, featuring Dejan Dubajić, Ljiljana Jovanović, Nikola Simić and Milan Srdoč
1967 – O Jardineiro Espanhol (TV Tupi), featuring Ednei Giovenazzi and Osmano Cardoso
1971 – E le stelle stanno a guardare (RAI), featuring Orso Maria Guerrini, Andrea Checchi, and Giancarlo Giannini
1975 – The Stars Look Down (Granada), featuring Ian Hastings, Susan Tracy, Alun Armstrong, and Christian Rodska
1976 – Slecna Meg a talír Ming (Československá Televise), featuring Marie Rosulková, Eva Svobodová, Petr Kostka, and Svatopluk Benes
1977 – Les Années d’illusion (TF1), featuring Yves Brainville, Josephine Chaplin, Michel Cassagne, and Laurence Calame
1983 – The Citadel (BBC and PBS), featuring Ben Cross, Clare Higgins, Tenniel Evans, and Gareth Thomas
1993–1996 – Doctor Finlay (ITV and PBS), featuring David Rintoul, Annette Crosbie, Ian Bannen, Jessica Turner, and Jason Flemyng
2003 – La Cittadella (Titanus), featuring Massimo Ghini, Barbora Bobuľová, Franco Castellano, and Anna Galiena
- Selected radio credits
1940 – The Citadel (The Campbell Playhouse CBS), featuring Orson Welles, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Ernest Chappell, Everett Sloane, George Coulouris, and Ray Collins
1970–1978 – Dr Finlay’s Casebook (BBC Radio 4), featuring Bill Simpson, Andrew Cruickshank, and Barbara Mullen (rebroadcast in 2003 on BBC 7)
2001–2002 – Adventures of a Black Bag (BBC Radio 4), featuring John Gordon Sinclair, Brian Pettifer, Katy Murphy, and Celia Imrie
2007–2009 – Doctor Finlay: The Further Adventures of a Black Bag (BBC Radio 7), featuring John Gordon Sinclair, Brian Pettifer, and Katy Murphy
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